Saturday, August 11, 2012

In Response to an E-Mail Entitled: Why Are the Jews so Powerful?

Sunni or Shia, Allawi or Hazari, Zaidi, Ismaili, Ithnasheri, Bhora, Khoja, Dawoodi-Bhora (a sub-sect of Ismailism)....why? Honestly, just because. There is not one iota of difference between these people and their continued need to split off from the original faith except that it is human nature. And the original faith was itself a splitting off from the religious ideas present at the time of the Revelations.

So when Muslims, even amongst themselves, endlessly split away from each other, it is not surprising that people (all people) are happy to pounce on and denounce, at various times, the Jews, Italians, Japanese, etc. It is just a bigger way to differentiate oneself from the OTHER. Sometimes the OTHER is a Muslim, at other times a Jew.

It is best at these times to look at yourself and realize that most things in life exist on a continuum. A series of decisions or compromises that suit the individual at one point in time. Everything else follows the individual's decision: Including the need to build a theory which will then support our own selfish decisions.

So whether you are a Twelver, a Fiver or a Sevener, it makes not a bit of difference in the greater scheme of things. Born in Wales, Scotland, England; Dublin, London, Devonshire? Honestly, who the heck cares? And can you really spot the difference on the Don Valley Parkway, returning from work on a Friday at 6 p.m.?


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