Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Well Written One Sentence Paragraph

One of my favourite authors for the art of writing the overlong sentence and making it sing is John Le Carre. The late John Leonard was another writer who could write a wonderful streak.

For your reading pleasure here is an excerpt from Le Carre's recent novel, A Most Wanted Man:
And that taken all in all, Barlach's message to the world was one of deeply perplexed pity for its suffering, which was why, ever since that day, Brue had come here maybe a dozen times, either when he was in temporary despair -- the black dog as Edward Amadeus used to call it -- or when things were going seriously awry at the bank, or for instance when Mitzi told him, practically in as many words, that he didn't match up to her exacting standards as a lover, a thing he had more or less assumed, but would have preferred no to hear. (pg. 167)


Not rubber-stamped by Frau Elli, at that time you young, devoted and very private secretary, but hand-inscribed by you in fine blue strokes of your ubiquitous fountain pen, ending with your signature in full, lest the casual reader -- not, God knows, that there ever was one -- happened to be unaware the EAB stood for Edward Amadeus Brue OBE, the banker who throughout his life never bent the rules, until the end of it when he broke them all (pg. 40)

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