Monday, January 16, 2006


Today is the day I have the old (yet large) dragons wings clipped. That's right folks, we're talking the big "V". The snipping of the vas deferens, vastly different from any other operation a man could ever have.

I must admit that I am having second thoughts as I near the hour of doom. Sure, I've tried to joke it off...(I said joke it off people...get your minds out of the gutter!)...still, as the hour draws nearer I feel butterflies in my stomach. A little squeamish and sheepish about the whole thing. I have a million one-liners for the doctor and that wonderful nurse I keep imagining will be there just to make me feel even more squeamish. In the end, if I don't show today, I'm afraid they'll come after me with a huge bill and that folks is the only reason, at this point, that I am going to the operating table/chair.

If you want to see a really cool site, by a fellow vasectomite, click on the title of this post. WARNING: This guy's website graphically illustrates the procedure. Be sure to go to the humour page...which will leave you in paroxysms (sp?).

"Good-bye old friend and good night"


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