Monday, January 16, 2006

My Boys Need a Home!

Oh, the pain, the dull pain of it all.

I have finally crawled out of bed to surf the web. Like most sensitive, emotion laden procedures and occurences, a vasectomy seems to attract its own coterie of detractors. Highly politicized, polemically inclined, goof-balls (no pun intended).

An example of this type of goof-ballness is Kevin C. Hauber's website. Click on the title of this post if you really have to visit his site. The sky is falling perpetually as far is this guy is concerned. Reminds me of the La Leche League types. Yes, types.

Here's a picture of a woman breast that her son or her husband? How old is that boy...he doesn't even fit in her lap.

And the reason its "good" to nurse your (no, not baby, but) toddler, according to the Canadian La Leche website is because, "Toddlers have a huge world to explore, and breastfeeding provides them (and their mothers!) with some quiet time in their busy, waking hours." Haven't these people heard of quiet time? How about a nap? Rum, maybe?

Okay, I hurt and maybe I'm lashing out. So, sue me!

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