Wednesday, April 25, 2018


My niece, Janelle, is an environmental educator and and certified teacher based out of Toronto, Ontario and Anthophila is her new social enterprise project.  To help her get started she has started a gofundme page where she writes, "By supporting Anthophila, you will help fund...

- Starting 3 beehives in a local community garden to support pollination
- Production of hyper-local bee products (honey and wax)
- Distribution of plastic-free, all natural and nourishing beauty products for everyone
- Education opportunities to local community groups and school groups on the plight of the bee and bee diversity in the city
- Development of equity-based educational materials about bee conservation

By supporting Anthophila, you're not only supporting our new business but you are also supporting bee conservation, habitat restoration, local economy, and amazing opportunities for community connections and education!"

If you're feeling socially conscious or otherwise generous, please use the above gofundme widget to donate to this worthy cause.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks! I really really really appreciate the support!