I had written this little post back in February, but never got around to publishing it. So here it is. The clouds have lifted since that time. phew!
I'm sure that to my wife and other observers I seem not to be paying attention to details, slow on the uptake, cynical in my outlook and lacking in enthusiasm in general. I know what motivates me at these times: socializing with friends, regular vigorous exercise, concentrating on a single project for which I have an enthusiasm. The project could be putting together a newsletter, working on my blog, or patching and painting a room.
Another thing that helps is getting away to a warmer locale for scuba diving or just a jaunt, as I've done in the past, such as Miami, The Bahamas, or a similarly warm spot. Even if for two or three nights. The sunshine, warmer air and the complete change in scenery re-charges me long enough until March ends and brings with it the, usually false, promise of warmer weather.
So here's to all you depressives out there; you emotionally labile; sun-starved; grey-sky-hating curmudgeons! Hang in (for yourself) and hang out (with friends and family); make events of the uneventful; and day-by-day you will find yourselves closer to your ideal in every way: shorts and sandals, pools, crickets and late night ice cream cones on the steps of some little church in a residential neighbourhood.
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