Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Stupid Beautiful Lies

I happened across a blog written by a truly gifted person entitled, Stupid Beautiful Lies.

Excerpt from said blog follows of Stupid Beautiful posted a bunch of questions sent to him by his readers:

Stupid, where have you been? Why don't you post that much anymore?

It turns out that I've been asked to be a lead opinion writer on a new national publication that is set to launch this fall. As a result, I've been busy helping said publication get rolling and have had less time to devote directly to writing. The good news is that once said publication is launched, all of my writing that appears there will also be syndicated here. So Stupid Beautiful Lies really isn't dead, but rather I am simply evolving into my next natural manifestation as a writer. As for the identity of the publication, I'll give you a hint. It's not the National Post.

And there it is. I hope I've answered a few lingering questions, and have helped edge many of you back from the edges of your seats. While the seven of you regulate your breathing and pass the time until my resurfacing, I encourage you to get out and take in what's left of summer. Take down those Stupid Beautiful locker pin-ups, and perhaps even try to remove me from your nightly prayers. God blesses me automatically anyways, as I have established an inside deal.

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