Friday, July 28, 2006

Write to Your MP Regarding Darfur

Hey You!
Do Something Dammit!!

Write to your Member of Parliament to encourage them to do more for the people in Darfur. Here's a great background article on Darfur at the The New Republic magazine's website.

Here's a sample letter you can copy and paste into your e-mail...find your MP's e-mail at the House of Parliament website.

I urge you to provide adequate funding to protect the people of Darfur and to effectively implement the Darfur Peace Agreement that was signed in May.

The African Union peacekeeping force currently deployed in Darfur is woefully underfunded and undermanned. With no set timetable for a transition to a stronger UN force, this could cost tens of thousands of innocent lives in the coming year.

Yet with the situation on the ground becoming more dangerous, the need for an improved African Union force in the near term and a stronger multinational UN force in the long term is greater than ever.

Canada is failing to act decisively to help bring peace to Darfur. This is unacceptable! That is why I encourage you to work with your colleagues in Parliament to act on this most most important matter.

Thank you,

Insert your name here
Insert your address here
Insert your home number here

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