Monday, May 22, 2006

Tired...So Very Tired

It was the weekend from hell at the Paryani household. At least it was for this Paryani. The boy was unsettled to say the least. The girl had a fever, on and off, from the vaccine shots she had on Friday. Which means she was clingy and miserable. At times unconsolable. Waking at night to walk her after forcing her to have something to bring her fever down.

I mean't to do some gardening, clean the garage, the bathroom. Ended up only cleaning the bathroom and did some gardening with the boy in tow. The wife has done her share to drive me nuts...what exactly I can't put my finger on.

The weather has been dreary...raining, windy with bits of sun showing through.

Physically and mentally tired. Oh, what I wouldn't give for two days away on a beach. By myself.

And now I have to watch Oprah's self indulgent legends ball. Oprah, I have always said, is a simple woman with simple tastes. Shut-up Oprah, just shut-up. I don't give a rat's ass what kind of underwear you wear. I actually saw her getting her eyebrows done on TV by the greatest eyebrow artist...Are you kidding me? How about you take your fat ass to Darfur instead of plucking you brows on national TV?

And now, Trump, a man recognizable by his catch phrase: "You're fired." A man so egocentric that he must put his name on his helicopter, his tower, his casino and probably his toothbrush. Trump-teriffic! A man so worried about image, despite his millions, that he has a combover to rival all combovers. We know you're bald or balding you moron...give it up! Go get a Trump-cut and be done with it. People will still love your Trump ass.

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