Fortunately, my co-worker, Nya, took pity on me and said she would love to do an interior trip as she's never been least not this kind of wilderness trip.
I also bought a few new items for the trip: a back pack which happened to be on sale at Canadian Tire; a dry bag which Tracey O. graciously picked up for me from MEC; and a new and more substantial utility knife. I
passed on getting a sweet gravity water filtration bag by Katadyn even though it quickly filters all impurities (including bacteria and viruses) out because of the cost and the fact that it is bulkier than the alternative -- water purifying tablets. The tablets or liquid version of the tablets, take about 30 minutes before the water they're dissolved in is safe to drink. The gravity filtration bag is about $89 and the tablets a mere $14 or so. Sigh. The crappy thing is, when I first was looking around for a filtration option, the Katadyn bag was on sale at Canadian Tire for $70. When I finally finished researching the topic a few days later, the bag was no longer on, yeah....lesson learned. Be decisive. No one likes a ditherer.
The route we'll be taking begins near Algonquin's East Gate and near the town of Whitney, Ontario. I used this entry point with Tracey, Seth and Mickey John in 2012. Here's an excerpt from an earlier post:
The route shown has a 1.6 km portage and this would only be possible if I was travelling with another person. I can haul a canoe a few hundred metres but 1.6 km is just asking for trouble.Click on the map to view a larger image of our route.
We would rent our canoe from the same place I used last time, Opeongo Outfitters. We will begin at the east end of Galeairy Lake and travel west towards Aubrey Lake and setup camp there for the first night.
The second day we would head in a north-westerly direction to Rocky Lake, turn south at Jean Island and head south towards Pen Lake. There are two small portages on this day: The first is between Galeairy and Rocky Lake (100 m) and the second is at Pen Falls, between Rocky Lake and Pen Lake.
I'm thinking we'll stay on Pen Lake for two nights before pushing east towards Night Lake. There is a 1.6 km portage between Pen Lake and Night Lake and once we get through this we will paddle back into the northern part of Galeairy Lake.
The last day, hopefully, we will have any easy paddle back to our starting point in Whitney.
I will post pics when I return.