Muhammad Parvez, 57, is to appear in a Brampton court today after being arrested for strangling his 16 year old daughter for wanting to cast off her scarf.
The Prophet's (PBUH) namesake was unhappy with his daughter for wanting to dress in western-style clothing. That is, without a scarf covering her head. At the risk of wading into an endless, he-said-she-said, argument about Quranic texts, it is sad to see believers of Islam conveniently forgetting the words of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH): "
Ask for the verdict of your conscience and discard what pricks it." Or the forgeting of one of the pillars of Islamic jurisprudence, namely, Aql (reason).
In an online article at
Islam for Today, Ibrahim B. Syed, has written a lengthy overview of the origins of the purdah/hijab/chador. Syed writes, "In the matter of hijab, the conscience of an honest, sincere Believer alone can be the true judge."
Recall your Quran: “There is
no compulsion acceptable in religion. The truth and falsehood had been made distinct from one another.” (al-Baqarah 2:256). "Let him who wants to believe, believe; and let him who wants to deny, deny” (al-Kahf 18:29)
Ostensibly, Muhammad Parvez killed his daughter in order to preserve the honour of his family and protect his religion. Surely, it wasn't to protect God from the act of a young girl not wearing a scarf? Preserving the honour of the family would be the only reason to kill a female of any household. Which makes one wonder, in God's mind, which is more un-Islamic: to discard one's hijab or to kill your own daughter?
I propose, with tongue firmly in cheek, that it is every self respecting Muslims duty to kill every person (man or woman) who they come across who, once told of their proper and Isamic obligations, refuses to adhere by Islamic norms. That's right, Karim, don that knapsack, fill it with whatever weapons you can gather and walk to the nearest mall. Explain the religion of Islam and if your audience does not see the light - Kaboom! In the name of all that is holy - Kaboom! Better that no one should live than they dress inappropriately
Just don't forget that there are two branches of Islam and within those two branches are sub-sects, and those sub-sects further divide down lines of ethnicity. And those ethnicities (let's say Indian) are then known by their particular regional identities (Gujurathis) who are then further divided into smaller groupings (Khojas) and on and on. All these divisions can not all be right at the same time.
There are four main branches of jurisprudence in Sunni Islam -- Maliki, Hanafi, Sha'fi'i, and Hanbali schools. In Shia Islam, I believe there are two. Which side do you fall on? Pick one at random as your own. Now, are the other schools of thinking wrong? Of course, they are. Kaboom!
Pretty soon, you and your very particular brand of Islam will be the only ones standing. Yes. Because you killed every one else off -- they were wrong and you were right. And one Kaboom! led to another.
Unfortunately, after killing everyone else who was not exactly like you, your sons and daughters and your extended family now have no one to marry without the dishonour of incest. Thus, your clan dies off. And you allow the extinction to occur because it is your ultimate show of piety. You have finally shown God that you are indeed a good Muslim.
Congratulations, you provincal, myopic, parochial, moron!