Monday, October 24, 2005


It's 4:45 p.m. as I sit at my desk. Phone rings. I pick up. Its my wife. Seth, our son, has used a single hole punch on his 6 month old sister's lip. Yes, LIP! Upper lip! Wife says, "she's bleeding a lot and it won't stop."

And the surgeon? Well, he promptly ran behind the curtains in the living room, all the while yelling, "I'm sorry mommy...I'm sorry."

The fun never stops in our household.

Oh, yeah. Tarah is fine and by the time I got home the bleeding had stopped. Whew.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Zoo Run

Marsh (a.k.a. my wife) at the Metro Zoo's 5 Kilometre run/walk. Look 'er go!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Share a Secret

Once in a blue moon, while surfing you find a web site that blows you away -- and it doesn't involve naked people!!

Postsecret is one such site. The picture you see is one of many postcards sent in to this site's author. They are confessions of secrets people have never revealed to anyone, but have done so on this site -- anonymously.

Click on the title of this post to go to the postsecret web site.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hard Science Fiction: Recommendations

It's been a long time since I have read any science fiction not connected with Frank Herbert's Dune series. In fact, aside from the Dune universe I had assumed that hard sci-fi had died a quiet death. For a short time, it seemed that book stores only carried science fantasy...with dragons and muscle bound heroes fighting on some wacky world.

But I was wrong. Yes, wrong! Hard to believe but true.

A case in point is a novel I only just (15 minutes ago) finished reading: Iron Sunrise by Charles Stross. Iron Sunrise was shortlisted for the best novel Hugo award in 2005. Need I say more? Then, as I am apt to do, I go to Stross' web site and find that Iron Sunrise is a sequel to Singularity Sky. The point: This book was great.

Visit Stross at

Strangely I have also found yet another author of science fiction: Robert J. Sawyer -- A Canadian and a Nebula award winner. Stross sets his novel, Calculating God, in Toronto specifically at the ROM. A beautiful read, a little heavy on the message but nevertheless hard to put down.

Both these guys are relentless and I plan on hunting down more of their many novels tomorrow.

So what are you waiting to the nearest library and read, dammit!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Pictures from the Party

Tarah at the Church

Lesley and Grandma Buchoon

Aunt Jacqui



Eric and Aunty Louise

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Christening

October 2, 2005: Tarah will get christened and following church there will be a party at the 486, ok, just the "86."
So be there or be square, Yo!

In other news, I am officially on the hunt for work as a case manager. So if you see something suitable please, please, please call.

Gotta go! Pictures from the party to follow.